
2007 DONEY CVT set ( V.Cometti) numbered edition
ALGOL CVT set (V.Cometti) numbered edition
ALPHA LCD CVT set (V.Cometti)
2002 TVC DOGE 32" (M.Bellini)
1992 GLASS CUBE CVT set (M.Bellini) crystal cubic-shaped television
1992 25" and 28" QUADRO CTV set (M.Bellini) forerunners of the flat screens
1990 15" BEST CTV set (M.Bellini) with triangular rear case
1989 11" ALGOL CTV set (M.Zanuso) newly designed
1988 SINTESI CTV set (R.Lucci-P.Orlandini) with the characteristic orientable loudspeakers
1983 26" CORO PANSOUND CTV set (R.Lucci-P.Orlandini)
1980 23" MEMPHIS CTV set (E.Sottsass) limited series
1980 20" LED CTV set (M.Bellini)
1979 26" ALTA FEDELTA' CTV set (M.Bellini) high audio performance technology
1978 15" MONITOR TV Set (M.Bellini) whose packaging will serve as model for the manufacturing of future PC monitors

1978 15" MONITOR TV Set (M.Bellini) whose packaging will serve
as model for the manufacturing of future PC monitors
1969 17" VOLANS TV Set (M.Bellini)
1969 BLACK ST 201 TV Set (M.Zanuso-R.Sapper)
first small size TV set designed to be a decorative piece
1968 ASTER TV Set (M.Bellini) sculptural, audio devices in the base
1967 12" DONEY TV Set (M.Zanuso-R.Sapper) evolution of the 14" version
1964 19" SIRIUS TV Set (M.Zanuso)
1964 11" ALGOL TV Set (M.Zanuso-R.Sapper) on display
at the MoMA in New York.
1962 14" DONEY TV Set (M.Zanuso-R.Sapper)first transistor portable TV set in Europe, awarded with the Compasso d'Oro.
1961 23" ORION TV Set (M.Albini-F.Helg)
1959 23" CRISTALLO TV Set (R.Bonetto)
1954 Television is becoming widespread.
1945 Giuseppe Brion and engineer Pajetta found the B.P.M. company (initially electronic components), which in the 1960's will become Brionvega, specialized in TV sets.
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